If you’re new to cooking pho or just looking for few pointers, this Essential Pho Spices Guide will help you to learn the basic spices for making fragrant and flavorful pho broth. There are certain foods we recognize immediately by aroma and Pho, Vietnamese Rice Noodle Soup, is one of these dishes. Get a whiff […]
Archive | Cooking Basics
Homemade Yogurt – Instant Pot Recipe
Instant Pot Newbies: Learning this easy recipe for Homemade Yogurt is exactly what’s needed to get familiar with the different features of your electric pressure cooker. Of course, if you happen to love healthy homemade yogurt, it’s a double win! 🙂 Making yogurt in the Instant Pot is super easy and you’ll love the results. […]
Hard Boiled Eggs – Instant Pot Recipe
Hard boiled eggs in the Instant Pot is one of the easiest foods to make. Cooked to a medium firmness, the eggs have creamy yolks and tender whites. Whether you’re an Instant Pot newbie looking for no-fail recipes to build your confidence or a kitchen pro who wants perfectly cooked eggs every time, this Instant […]
Mashed Mung Bean (Dau Xanh Danh) – Instant Pot Recipe
In this post, I share my easy recipe for Instant Pot Mashed Mung Bean, a hearty and popular ingredient in many Asian dishes. Mashed Mung Bean is one of those versatile ingredients that can be used in sweet or savory dishes alike. It’s mild-tasting with creamy texture and very filling. The best part about this […]
Perfect Jasmine White Rice – Instant Pot Recipe
If you just purchased an Instant Pot and wondering what to make, this recipe for Instant Pot Jasmine White Rice is the perfect dish to get you acquainted with your new electric pressure cooker. This easy recipe makes perfectly fluffy and moist jasmine white rice. It’s much better than the stove-top method and definitely rivals […]
How to Freeze Green Onions / Scallions
In this post I share my easy steps for how to freeze green onions / scallions for use later. It takes no time at all and there’s no special equipment needed. Freezing green onions saves money since you’re not throwing away good food and you’ll always have delicious green onions on-hand for your favorite dishes. […]
Chili Sauce / Hot Sauce (Tuong Ot)
If you’re like me and enjoy hot sauce, you’ll love this recipe for homemade Chili Sauce / Hot Sauce (Tuong Ot). Warning: this Chili Sauce is next-level hot because it’s made with Ghost Peppers (also called Bhut Jolokia). These chili peppers are insanely spicy and delicious if you can take the heat. (See below for other pepper […]
Carrot and Radish Pickles (Do Chua) – Updated Recipe!
I am sharing a new recipe for with an updated video. These tasty pickles are staple condiments accompanying many classic Vietnamese dishes. Carrot and Radish Pickles are added to sandwiches, dipping sauces, rice plates, noodle bowls and salads. These popular pickles are surprisingly really easy to make. This refrigerator pickles recipe uses distilled white vinegar which […]
Rice Flour vs. Glutinous Rice Flour – What are the Differences?
Rice Flour vs. Glutinous Rice Flour – What are the Differences? I get this question a lot, and so, I am sharing this post to explain the differences between Rice Flour and Glutinous Rice Flour, the common brands available, how they are used in cooking, and when they can be substituted in recipes. Also, to help […]
How To Keep Boiled Pork from Turning Brown / Oxidizing – Easy 60 Second Trick
You boiled pork for a favorite dish, set it aside less than half an hour ago, and now getting ready to serve it notice the pork has turned a dingy brown color. Oh boy, it doesn’t look very appetizing. What happened?! Deep breathe. 🙂 This darkening of the meat is oxidation, a chemical reaction between […]